Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Beloved Handout 1_English

Beloved Handout 1_English

Q 1. What point is the author making in this article:

Q 2. Write down the author’s thesis here:

Q 3. What position do you take regarding the author’s point of view? Do you agree with her opinion regarding children needing to play and not compete?

Q 4. Offer three persuasive points that support your position: *Be Clear and specific. No vague points.

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The main point of the author in this article is that children, in the modern society are forced to compete even in games and this is affecting their overall mental and physical health. Children are being forced to play according to the standards of adults. The author put stress on a very serious matter through this essay which is children are supposed to be able to play with an open mind without any stress of winning or losing to lead a healthy life in future.